Not only is Digital Playground one of the best HD porn sites based on picture quality alone, but the amount of time and money they put into each of their movies is absolutely incredible. It’s almost like they don’t realize that porn movies aren’t supposed to be “real movies.”
Most HD porn sites focus on creating content as quickly as possible so that they can move on to the next thing. But Digital Playground is completely dedicated to getting everything just right. This studio seems to take great pride in releasing the highest quality porn productions ever created.
Of course, the porn industry hasn’t exactly set a very high bar when it comes to script quality, costume and set design, special effects, and the other sorts of things that most people demand from non-pornographic movies. But when you see the way Digital Playground approaches their films, you’ll realize that they’re basically creating a new genre of high-end porn that’s intended to be viewed much like a normal, R-rated movie would be.
Plainly spoken, many of Digital Playground’s films would be pretty good movies even if nobody ever took their clothes off. But, of course, they do… A lot. And they do a WHOLE lot more than that as well. In fact, the sex scenes really aren’t much different from those found in any of the other best HD porn sites except that there are usually much more logical plot-based reasons for the actors to start fucking.
Unsurprisingly, Digital Playground is constantly getting recognition for their work. In fact, more than 400 of their films have already received awards from within the porn industry, and their acclaimed production of “Pirates 2″ has actually earned more awards than any other porn movie ever made. And considering it cost nearly $8 million to film, that should come as no surprise.
Plus, a subscription also gets you access to hundreds of hours of behind-the-scenes footage. And although this might not be especially noteworthy on normal HD porn sites, Digital Playground’s special content is considerably more entertaining because you get to see fun stuff like pyrotechnic specialists staging big explosions while some of the world’s best porn stars fire real guns and live like Hollywood action stars.
In conclusion, no other porn studio puts as much time or effort into their movies as Digital Playground. The hi-definition picture quality is fantastic, and that doesn’t even account for half of what makes this one of the best HD porn sites.